Testing the admissions data equipment

The Test Admissions Equipment application on the administration workstation allows you to verify that the admissions data equipment is working properly. The admissions data equipment includes the following devices:

  • Signature pad

  • Digital ID authentication (DIA)

  • Palm vein

  • Candidate photo camera

If your test center is equipped with any of these devices, test each device at least once per week. Also be sure to test a device at the start of days you know you will be using it. This helps ensure candidates can be admitted for their exams.

Follow these steps to perform the tests:

  1. Click Start on the Windows taskbar, point to All Programs, VUE Applications, VUE Support Tools, and click Test Admissions Equipment.

If your test center is a PVTC Select that is set up with Cloud Control Technology, do not open the application directly from the Windows taskbar. Instead, start a session on Cloud Control, and then double-click the Test Admissions Equipment icon from the Pearson Admin – Applications window. For more information, see Opening the VUE applications at PVTC Selects in appendix D.

The Test Admissions Equipment window appears.

  1. Select an admissions data type from the drop-down list, and then click Test.

Different windows appear depending on which type of equipment you are testing. Follow the on-screen instructions to test the equipment.

The Test Admissions Equipment application only tests the DIA device's connection to the DIA server. It will not try to authenticate an ID. For more information, see About the DIA server.

For more information about collecting admissions data with each device, see the following sections:



Signature pad

Capturing and verifying signatures

Digital ID authentication (DIA)

Performing DIA

Palm vein

Capturing a palm vein pattern

Candidate photo camera

Capturing a photograph


If you cannot capture an admissions data, call VSS immediately. If you are instructed to use a backup process, see the following sections:

Backup signature process

Handling DIA technical problems

Backup palm vein process

Backup photograph process

  1. Close the Test Admissions Equipment application after you have tested all the equipment.

To close the application, click the red button located in the top-right corner of the window.

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