Capturing a photograph

The candidate photos captured during admissions may be used for many purposes depending on the circumstance, so it is important to take the photo properly. If there is ever a question of exam fraud or a candidate's identity, Pearson VUE may need to use the photo for verification or as part of an investigation. For example, if a candidate is suspected of using a proxy tester or imposter to take an exam multiple times at different locations, Pearson VUE relies on the quality of the photos taken to make a comparison. If the quality is poor, it is difficult to investigate or verify a candidate's identity.

Additionally, some exam sponsors use the photo for their own records or as part of the licensing or certification process. For example, some exam sponsors use the photo for their score reports and may also use the photo on the candidate's licensing application. Other exam sponsors send the photo as a part of the candidate's record and score report information to a school or university chosen by the candidate. In some cases where the photo is used as part of a score report, the candidate may even use this score report to show to a potential employer as part of a job application.

Due to the various uses of photos, it is important to take them correctly to make sure that they are useful for investigations, score reports, and candidate applications. Taking high-quality photos shows exam sponsors Pearson VUE's commitment and dedication to customer service.

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