Customers screen

The Customers screen allows you to locate the records of existing candidates, create records for new candidates, and edit existing candidate information. The following image is an example of the Customers screen with the Primary tab selected.

The following table describes some of the different features that are in the Customers screen.




Allows you to search for a candidate record by a phone number. For more information, see Locating a candidate record.

Work list field (below the Phone field on the left side of the screen)

Displays the names of the candidates you are working with. If the exam sponsor allows multiple candidate exams to be entered and paid for on a single order, you can display all of those candidates' names in this field.


Removes a candidate record from the work list. To remove a record, select the name on the work list, and then click Remove.

Get Last

Allows you to retrieve the last record that you were working with. Get Last only allows you to retrieve the last record you worked on since starting Registration Manager.


Allows you to search for a candidate record by entering a variety of candidate information as criteria. For more information, see Using the Search button.


Allows you to edit an existing candidate record after you find the record. For more information, see Creating or editing a candidate record.


Creates a new candidate record in the system. For more information, see Creating or editing a candidate record.


Saves the changes you make to a new or existing candidate record.


Cancels the changes you make to a new or existing candidate record.


Displays fields with the candidate's demographic information. For information on how to edit these fields, see Creating or editing a candidate record.


Allows you to enter an alternate address for the candidate. Some exam sponsors require a second address whenever it is available. Refer to the exam sponsor's client reference for details. For more information on how to use this tab, see Creating or editing a candidate record.

Client Info

Allows you to view and generate an identification (ID) number for a candidate and enter candidate answers to client questions. An ID is assigned to all candidates in the testing system for each exam sponsor for which a candidate registers an exam.

Some exam sponsors have a client questions section in the Client Info tab that contains questions that an exam sponsor wants candidates to answer. The questions in the tab differ, depending on which exam sponsor is selected. Some questions are mandatory, and some are optional. "Required" appears in front of questions that the candidate must answer. Some exam sponsors do not have any client questions in the tab.

Because each exam sponsor's requirements differ, it is important to review the client questions section for each exam sponsor that delivers exams at your test center. You can find this information in the exam sponsor's client reference.

For more information on how to use this tab, see Creating or editing a candidate record.


Allows you to enter candidate preferences, if any are available. For example, you may be able to select a candidate's preferred language for Pearson VUE correspondences like confirmation letters.


Allows you to view a variety of information regarding a candidate's record. For more information, see History tab.

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