Handling candidates with face masks

Candidates are permitted to wear any surgical or cloth face mask, including a homemade face mask, as long as the nose and mouth are fully covered. Use the following guidelines if a candidate arrives at your test center wearing a face mask.

Capturing photos

If an exam sponsor's admissions steps include capturing a candidate’s photo, ask the candidate to remove the face mask during this step. For more information, see Steps to capture and verify a photograph. Observe the candidate during this process for anything unusual. For example, is there paper tucked into the face mask? If the candidate has a face mask that covers the ears, ask the candidate to show you each ear. This is to confirm that there is nothing attached to the ears, such as a Bluetooth device, before the candidate replaces the face mask.

Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids are considered a comfort aid. Never ask candidates to remove hearing aids with Bluetooth capabilities. 

If a candidate refuses to remove a face mask for the photo, take the candidate's photo with the face mask on. Carefully compare the new photo and the photo on the candidate's ID to the existing photo in Admissions Manager, if there is one. Create a case, selecting these options:

Exam delivery

Candidate refused to follow proper procedures

Inspecting face masks

Face masks are considered a comfort aid, and candidates do not need prior approval to wear a face mask into the testing room. Visually inspect a face mask each time a candidate enters the testing room with it. Do not directly touch the face mask or the candidate, and do not ask the candidate to remove the face mask for inspection. For more information on inspecting comfort aids, see Comfort aids.

If you have security concerns about the face mask a candidate is wearing, follow the three-step witness, intervene, and notify (WIN) process. For more information, see Responding to candidate misconduct.

Requiring candidate face masks

If you require candidates to wear face masks at your test center due to public health concerns, use the following guidelines. 

  • Update your site directions in Site Manager to include your test center’s mask requirement. Doing this ensures that new candidates are informed of the policy in their candidate confirmation letters. Be sure to notify any candidates who scheduled an exam before you updated the directions that they are required to wear face masks.

For more information about using the Location tool in Site Manager to update your site directions, see Application instructions in the Connect portal.

  • If a candidate arrives without a face mask, ask the candidate to retrieve one within the exam sponsor's late arrival guidelines. Candidates are permitted to leave the test center and return with a face mask, for example, from their car or a nearby store. However, candidates must still follow their exam sponsor's late arrival policy. If a candidate cannot find a face mask in the time permitted or refuses to wear one, turn the candidate away. Create a case, selecting these options:

Exam delivery

Candidate refused to follow proper procedures

  • Candidates should not remove face masks inside the test center. Their nose and mouth must remain fully covered, and they are required to wear face masks when interacting with others. Candidates are only permitted to remove face masks while eating or drinking outside the testing room.

If candidates remove a required face mask for any other reason, ask them to replace it. Warn candidates that this behavior is not permitted and they will not be allowed to continue testing if they do not comply. If a candidate refuses to replace a face mask, turn the candidate away. Create a case, selecting these options:

Exam delivery

Candidate refused to follow proper procedures

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