Comfort aids

Comfort aids are not considered to be accommodations and do not need to be pre-approved by Pearson VUE or the exam sponsor. Thus, candidates are allowed to bring certain comfort aid items into the testing room without receiving prior approval. See the Pearson VUE website for a current list of permitted comfort aids:

Face masks are considered a comfort aid, and candidates do not need prior approval to wear a face mask into the testing room. For more information, see Handling candidates with face masks.


Candidates must provide their own comfort aids except for the following items:

  • Earplugs

  • Noise-canceling headphones

  • Tissues/Kleenex

PVTCs: Though not required, Pearson VUE recommends that earplugs, noise-canceling headphones, and tissues or Kleenex be available to candidates. If your site does not have these items available or the candidate wants the test center to provide another comfort aid, an accommodation approval is required.

PVTC Selects: You are required to have earplugs available to candidates. Though not required, Pearson VUE recommends that noise-canceling headphones and tissues or Kleenex be available to candidates. If your site does not have these items available or the candidate wants the test center to provide another comfort aid, an accommodation approval is required.


If you give the candidate earplugs, make sure to remove the earplugs from the package. Earplug packages are not permitted in the testing room.

Some items are not allowed in the testing room unless the candidate has an accommodation for the item in advance. The following items are not considered comfort aids:

  • Water bottles

  • Diabetic test equipment

  • Other medical devices (unless attached to the candidate's body and inaudible)

An accommodation is required for these items because candidates who use them might disturb other candidates. These items might also cause damage to the computer equipment.

Inspecting comfort aids

Bluetooth-enabled hearing aids are considered a comfort aid. Never ask candidates to remove hearing aids with Bluetooth capabilities. 

Visually inspect all comfort aids before you allow the candidate to bring them into the testing room. Be sure to only visually examine the item. Do not directly touch the item or the candidate, and do not ask the candidate to remove the item. The only exception to this process is inspecting eyeglasses, which candidates are asked to remove and show (but not hand over) to the test administrator. For more information, see Checking eyeglasses.

In general, you do not need to create a case regarding the use of a comfort aid, unless the aid is unusual, suspicious, or you observe candidate misconduct. Check the exam sponsor's client reference for any non-standard case requirements. If you do notice something unusual, create a case, selecting these options:


Personal item inspected

In the case Description field, explain what is unusual about the item.

If you are unsure of whether or not to allow a specific comfort aid in the testing room, inform the candidate that you need to get approval and contact the test center support line immediately.

Due to potential liability issues, test centers are prohibited from dispensing medications. Do not dispense any type of medication to candidates, including pain relievers and antacids. Candidates who require use of other items from the first aid kit, such as the tweezers or bandages, should be given the items to use themselves. Test administrators should not touch the candidate or otherwise provide medical services. In addition, test administrators may not give food to candidates, including candy and mints.

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