Private access codes

Some exam sponsors require candidates to provide a private access code (PAC) in Registration Manager in order to schedule a specific exam. If an exam sponsor uses a PAC for at least one exam, you can select Private Access Code from the drop-down list in the What section on the Exams screen.

PACs are given to the candidate by the exam sponsor. If a candidate is registering for an exam that requires a PAC and does not have the correct PAC, the candidate must contact the exam sponsor to obtain it.


Follow these steps to apply a PAC for an exam:

  1. After you find or create the record for the candidate, click Exams to switch to the Exams screen.

For more information, see Locating a candidate record or Creating or editing a candidate record.

  1. From the drop-down list in the What section, select Private Access Code.

The private access code controls appear.

  1. Ask the candidate for the PAC, enter the code in the What section, and then click Apply.

You can also select the exam from the list first and then enter the code and click Apply.

The list of exams in the When section filters to show the exam associated with the PAC.

One of the following messages appears to the right of the private access code controls when you select an exam:



Not Applicable

The exam sponsor offers at least one exam requiring a PAC, but the selected exam does not use a PAC.


A PAC is not necessary in order to register.


The selected exam requires a PAC.

  1. Read the exam title and number to the candidate, and ask the candidate to confirm that it is the correct exam.

Several exams may have a common PAC. Candidates are responsible for knowing which exam they need to take.

If the candidate's PAC is not valid, not yet available, or expired, a message appears and prevents you from proceeding with the exam registration. The candidate must contact the exam sponsor to obtain a valid PAC or wait until the PAC is active in order to register.

Click Clear at any time to return to the full exam list.

  1. Select the language in which the exam will be delivered.

If you attempt to register for an exam that requires a PAC and do not enter a PAC, a message notifies you that a PAC is required. Registration Manager does not allow you to proceed with the registration beyond this point.

  1. Continue with the registration as usual.

For more information, see Scheduling an exam or Scheduling an exam with module selection.

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