Place the admissions equipment

Before installing the hardware, you must plan the layout of the various devices you will be installing. This is so that the necessary devices are accessible to candidates and administrators, and so that the cables will reach from the devices to the administration workstation. Site setup may be slightly different based on the configuration of your building. Ideal arrangements are shown in the diagrams below. Notes and additional photos are provided on the following topics.


PVTC and government site administration area

The signature device must be placed so that it is easily accessible to candidates during the admission process. It also must be close enough to the administration workstation so the cables can be connected. The diagram below shows the devices from the candidate’s side of the desk.

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You must have at least four USB ports to connect the mouse, keyboard, signature pad, and admissions camera. Otherwise, you may need to purchase a USB Hub.

The main camera used to take candidate photos must also be close enough to the administration workstation so that the cables can be connected. This web camera is placed on a clear plastic stand and is mounted on the workstation from which you admit candidates. For this camera to capture photos properly, it must be placed in a fixed location 36-38 inches from the floor and 24-36 inches from where candidates will be seated while their picture is being taken. There should be a neutral background behind the candidate and the camera should be positioned away from a window and out of direct sunlight.


What is next?

PVTC and Government sites select the desired admissions equipment you wish to install.

  1. Install the Logitech admissions camera
  2. Install the signature device
  3. Install the palm vein device


PVTC Select and PLT administration area

The palm vein and signature devices must be placed so that they are easily accessible to candidates during the admission process. They must also be close enough to the administration workstation so the cables can be connected. The diagram below shows the devices from the candidate’s side of the desk.

The main camera used to take candidate photos must also be close enough to the administration workstation so that the cables can be connected. This camera is placed on a clear plastic stand and is attached to the workstation from which you admit candidates. For this camera to capture photos properly, it must be placed in a fixed location 36-38 inches from the floor and 24-36 inches from where candidates will be seated while their picture is taken. There should be a neutral background behind the candidate and the camera should be positioned away from a window and out of direct sunlight.

The scanner can be placed anywhere if the cable reaches the administration workstation, or the USB hub is connected to the administration workstation. The diagram above gives you an idea of where to place it.

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Pearson VUE does not supply the USB Hub or the scanner. Each site is responsible for purchasing those items should they need them.


What is next?

PVTC Select and PLT sites proceed to Install the USB hub.



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