Install VTS on workgroup server

This procedure installs the testing system software, including Site Manager, Admissions Manager, and Registration Manager on the server/administration workstation. You will use these applications to manage information about your site and to register and schedule candidates for exams.


Follow these steps to install the testing system software on the administration workstation:

  1. On the Administration workstation, launch Windows Explorer and navigate to the Downloads folder. Locate and double-click the VTS-xxxxxxxxxx.exe file.
  2. Click Yes in the User Account Control dialog box.

  3. The InstallShield Wizard extracts files needed for the installation and then displays a Welcome dialog box. Click Next.

  4. You must ensure all exam results have been uploaded to the Pearson VUE hub if you are attempting to reinstall the VTS software at an existing site. Contact VUE Support Services if you need assistance. Select the Checking this means you have confirmed candidate exam results have been uploaded option and click Next.

  5. The License Agreement dialog box appears. Review the Software License Agreement. Click Yes to accept the terms of the Agreement or No if you do not accept the terms and want to stop the installation.

  6. When asked to confirm that you agree to the terms of the License Agreement, click Yes to continue or No to exit the installation.

  7. The Setup Type dialog box appears. In this dialog box you must choose your testing system configuration. Refer to the Workgroup scenario installation topic for details about the workgroup scenario. Choose Workgroup Scenario and click Next.

  8. The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears. Choose the directory where the VTS software will be installed.

  1. We recommend using the default directory (The default directory is C:\Pearson VUE). Do not install to the root of the drive.

If you prefer to install the files in a different directory, click Browse and locate the directory. Select the directory and add the folder name to the path, such as D:\VUE. Then click OK.

  1. After choosing a location, click Next.
  2. Keep the VUE share name in the VTS Share Information dialog box and verify the path. Click Next.

The VTS system requires a folder share so the VTS applications on the proctor and exam delivery workstations can communicate with the Server. You may select an existing share or create a new share. The default name for a new share is VUE. We recommend you keep the default share name. If you choose to use a different share name, you must adhere to the following guidelines:

 A share name MUST be no more than 80 characters in length and cannot contain the following characters: " \ / [ ] : | < > + = ; , ?

 The following characters are illegal in a share name: control characters in the range 0x00 through 0x1F, inclusive

 All other Unicode characters are legal in a share name

  1. In the Network Connection dialog box, you must specify the TCP/IP port numbers for Local Services and Update Agent.

Although you may change to different port numbers, we recommend you use the default values 443 for Local Services Port and 2488 for Update Agent Port.

Note iconNote

If you change the port numbers, be aware that the installer will not check whether the numbers are considered “well-known TCP/IP ports, nor does it check if the chosen ports are currently reserved or being listened to by another process. Use caution in changing the port numbers.

  1. Keep the Open firewall exceptions for the selected port numbers check box selected. This allows the installer to open ports in the Windows Firewall by setting the appropriate registry keys.
  2. Click Next.
  3. The Wrapper Service User dialog box appears. Enter the local computer name in the Domain field, the Username and Password for the Wrapper service account. Then type the password again in the Confirm Password field. Click Next.

In this dialog box, you must enter the information for the user account you created in the Create a service user account (VUE Wrapper account) - Workgroup Scenario topic.

  1. The Start Copying Files dialog box appears. Verify the current settings and click Next.

This dialog box lists the options you chose during the installation procedure. If any of the information is incorrect, click the Back button to return to the previous dialog box and correct the information.

The Pearson VUE Testing system configures your new software installation.

  1. After the files are installed, the Complete dialog box appears. Choose the Yes, I want to restart my computer now option and click Finish.

Note iconNote

It will take longer than usual to reboot the administration workstation after installing .NET 4.0. A blue screen will appear for a few minutes and then you will see some C++ messages before finally landing on the workstation desktop.


What is next?

Download site files - workgroup



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