Starting Delivery Manager without the required credentials
This entire section is not applicable to test centers located on United States federal or state facilities or military installations. These test centers should disregard the information in this section. |
When you are signed in to Delivery Manager, the application does not allow you to start an exam when one of the following conditions is true:
Your password is expired or out of sync.
Your account is disabled.
You have not yet set your security questions.
If one these conditions is true, a message appears after you select a candidate on the Appointment Selection window and click Start. The message explains the issue with your account. After you click OK to close the message, an Authorization window appears. You must either update your account or obtain an authorization code in order to start the exam.
Use one of the following processes depending on your situation to resolve the issue and regain the ability to start exams in Delivery Manager.
Message |
Instruction |
Your account is disabled |
Click OK, and then click Cancel in the Authorization window. Use the Account Recovery Tool to reset your password and enable your account. You can also contact a test administrator from your test center with the role to reset passwords. For more information, see Resetting your password and enabling your account. After your account is enabled, start the exam again. Delivery Manager should allow you to start the exam. |
Your password is expired. |
Click OK, and then click Cancel in the Authorization window. In order to start the exam, you must first log into the Connect portal and update your password. For more information, see Opening and closing the Connect portal. After you update your password, start the exam again. Delivery Manager should allow you to start the exam. |
You have not set your security questions. |
Click OK, and then click Cancel in the Authorization window. Log in to the Connect portal and select and answer two security questions before continuing with Delivery Manager. For more information, see Opening and closing the Connect portal. After you set your security questions, start the exam again. Delivery Manager should allow you to start the exam. |
Your password is out of sync. |
If you update your password and RMA has not run yet, your password and security questions might be out of sync in the Pearson VUE system. If this occurs and you attempt to start an exam in Delivery Manager, the Authorization window prompts you to obtain an authorization code from VSS. Before you call VSS, run RMA manually to sync your password and security questions with the Pearson VUE system, and then attempt to start the exam again. For more information on how to run RMA manually, see Running RMA manually. |
If you still cannot start the exam after using the applicable process, follow the process in Obtaining an authorization code in Delivery Manager.
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