Break policies
There are several policies and guidelines to follow when a candidate goes on a scheduled or unscheduled break. Refer to the information in this section to ensure a smooth process and to maintain exam integrity when candidates take a break.
Escorting candidates out of the testing room for a break
Candidates must inform you when they want to take a break. They inform you by raising a hand to get your attention. You must then enter the room, ensure the workstation is in scheduled or unscheduled break mode, and escort the candidate out of the testing room. Follow these guidelines when escorting the candidate:
At the candidate's workstation, ensure the exam is in unscheduled or scheduled break mode depending on which break he or she is taking. For more information, see Using unscheduled break mode or Using scheduled break mode.
When the candidate leaves the testing room for a break, the candidate's identity must first be verified. Follow one of these processes depending on your test center's network:
At PVTCs, you must manually check the candidate's primary form of ID. On the log sheet, enter the time the candidate left the testing room.
For test centers located in Japan: Do not use the log sheet. Instead, use the log boxes in the Japan version of the Candidate Rules Agreement that the candidate signed. |
At PVTC Selects, the candidate's identity must be verified through the Entry Monitoring pane in Admissions Manager. Verify the candidate's identity using the method the exam sponsor requires, which is typically palm vein capture. For more information, see Performing entry and exit monitoring. In addition to Entry Monitoring, be sure to fill in the log sheet for all IT candidates.
Be sure to tell candidates to return to the administration or proctor workstation after the break.
Candidates must leave the testing room while on a break.
Checking for candidate misconduct during breaks
Candidate misconduct can happen while candidates are on breaks. Here are some guidelines you can follow to maintain security when candidates go on breaks:
Unscheduled breaks should be limited to a maximum of ten minutes or as specified in the exam sponsor's client reference. If a candidate does not return to the test center in a reasonable amount of time (such as within 15 minutes), create a case. Select these options when creating the case:
Exam delivery
Candidate error or misconduct
Candidate went over allotted break time
If the candidate has been gone for a long time, attempt to find the candidate but only if circumstances allow. If you cannot find the candidate, ask the candidate where he or she was during the break when he or she returns. Include this information in the case. Remind the candidate that unscheduled breaks should be kept to 10 minutes or less.
Although most exam sponsors allow unlimited unscheduled breaks, be sure to notice whether a candidate seems to be taking an excessive number. The candidate may be committing some form of misconduct such as accessing study materials outside the testing room or speaking with others about exam content. If you suspect that the candidate is doing something inappropriate during the break, create a case. Select these options when creating the case:
Exam delivery
Candidate error or misconduct
Candidate took excessive unscheduled breaks
During unscheduled breaks, candidates are prohibited from discussing the exam with another candidate or test center employee. Inappropriate behavior could result in the candidate forfeiting the exam fee and results.
Allowing candidates to leave the test center building during breaks
Refer to the exam sponsor's client reference for policies about leaving the building during breaks. If the client reference does not specify any policies, follow these standard guidelines:
Candidates are not permitted to leave the building during an unscheduled break. (See the following note for an exception.) You can direct candidates to the nearest restroom, but inform them that they are not permitted to leave the building during the unscheduled break.
Candidates are allowed to take their service animals outside of the test center building during scheduled or unscheduled breaks. An exam sponsor's client reference may state that candidates are not allowed to leave the test center building during breaks. However, always allow candidates to leave the test center building when their service animals need a break. For more information, see Managing breaks for service animals. |
Candidates are permitted to leave the building during scheduled breaks. Each test center must have information about services in the area that candidates may ask about, such as restaurants and parking lots. Keep a copy of this information at the reception desk for candidates to view on request.
Handling access to personal belongings during breaks
Refer to the exam sponsor's client reference for guidelines about accessing personal items during breaks. If the client reference does not specify any guidelines, follow these standard guidelines:
During scheduled and unscheduled breaks, candidates are prohibited from accessing cellular phones, exam notes, and study guides unless an exam sponsor specifically permits.
During scheduled breaks, candidates can access personal belongings except those listed in the previous bullet point.
During unscheduled breaks, candidates can access personal belongings only if necessary. For example, if a candidate needs to take medication or eat food at a specific time.
If a candidate attempts to access unauthorized materials or personal belongings during a break, follow the candidate misconduct process (WIN process), which includes having a coworker witness the candidate's behavior. Inform the candidate that the item must remain in the locker during the break. If the candidate refuses to put the item back in the locker, create a detailed case immediately before the candidate is seated for the exam. For more information, see Responding to candidate misconduct.
Handling prayer during breaks
Candidates who want to pray during their unscheduled or scheduled break are allowed to do so. However, they must be in the reception area and out of any walkways, in a corner, or off to the side where they are not interfering with other candidates. They also must pray silently so that they do not disturb anyone else.
Re-admitting candidates after a break
Follow these guidelines when re-admitting candidates into the testing room after their break:
The process of re-admitting candidates into the testing room should be expedited; any time spent waiting to be signed in means the candidate has less time to complete the exam.
When a candidate returns from a break, the candidate's identity must first be verified. Follow one of these processes depending on your test center's network:
At PVTCs, you must manually check the candidate's primary form of ID. On the log sheet, enter the time the candidate returns to the testing room and indicate that you manually checked the ID.
For test centers located in Japan: Do not use the log sheet. Instead, use the log boxes in the Japan version of the Candidate Rules Agreement that the candidate signed. |
At PVTC Selects, the candidate's identity must be verified through the Entry Monitoring pane in Admissions Manager. Verify the candidate's identity using the method the exam sponsor requires, which is typically palm vein capture. For more information, see Performing entry and exit monitoring. In addition to Entry Monitoring, be sure to fill in the log sheet for all IT candidates.
Before you escort candidates to their workstation, ask them to pat themselves down (arms, legs, waistline) to ensure they do not have anything in their pockets. Be sure to ask candidates whether they put their watch on during their break. If they answer yes, ask them to store it away along with any other items in their pockets, if applicable. You can then escort candidates back to their workstation and resume their exam.
For most exams, candidates cannot resume the exam until the proctor has clicked Resume and logged into Delivery Manager. It is therefore important to continuously monitor candidates and be sure that exams are resumed promptly so that candidates do not lose time unnecessarily.
Ending exams for candidates who do not return from a break
On rare occasion, you might encounter candidates who do not return from their break to complete their exam. Follow these guidelines when a candidate does not return from an unscheduled break:
If a candidate does not return from an unscheduled break, leave the exam in unscheduled break mode, allow the exam time to expire, end the exam, and create a case. Depending on the exam and exam sponsor, a candidate may pass the exam even though he or she did not answer all of the questions. It is possible that he or she may have completed enough questions correctly.
If the candidate's exam is being delivered through Administrator in Delivery Manager, leave the monitor turned off, allow the time to expire, end the exam, and then create a case. For more information about Administrator, see appendix B. |
If the exam time runs out when the exam is in unscheduled break mode, a message appears about the expired time after you log in to Delivery Manager. Click OK to end the appointment.
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