Item Details window

After you select an exam in the Exams screen, the Details button in the What section may become active (not grayed out) after you select an exam and exam language. Clicking Details opens the Item Details window.

There are two possible tabs in the Item Details window:




Some exam sponsors use the Questions tab in the Item Details window to obtain a candidate's answer to questions that relate to the current registration or exam (rather than the candidate's entire record, as with the questions in the Client Info tab on the Customers screen).

If the exam sponsor requires the candidate to answer exam or registration questions in the Item Details window, the candidate must answer the questions for every exam that is added to the order. Thus, the candidate may end up answering the same set of questions multiple times.

If an exam sponsor does not have any such questions, the Questions tab is not viewable on the screen. If the questions are not editable, they appear dimmed.


If an exam allows module selection, this is where you select the modules to include in the exam appointment. The Modules tab lists all the exam's modules in the order they will be delivered and includes the duration and price of each module. For more information, see Scheduling an exam with module selection.

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