Workstation asset binding

The Pearson VUE Testing System software incorporates a feature called workstation asset binding. This feature enables the software to keep track of which workstation at a test center is used to deliver each exam. Knowing which workstation was used can help VSS staff troubleshoot problems that are reported with an exam. For example, if an exam did not run properly because of insufficient memory on the workstation, a support person would be able to determine that very quickly since he or she would know exactly which computer was used for delivering the exam.

The asset binding feature also enables you to get workstation information through the Exam Monitor application. This application allows test administrators to monitor the exams in progress and see where each candidate is in his or her exam process. For example, with a glance at the screen, you would be able to see that the candidate at one workstation is working on the exam tutorial while the candidate at the next workstation is working on the end-of-exam survey. You would also be able to see the total amount of time each candidate is allowed for the exam. For more information, see Using Exam Monitor.

Contact VSS to enable and setup workstation asset binding at your test center.

The workstation asset binding and Exam Monitor features are optional, although Pearson VUE encourages test centers to use them. The features are currently best for sites that have dedicated delivery workstations that do not change often.

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