Test EZWatch

In most instances, VUE Support Services loads the EZWatch software, installs the sound card, attaches the DVR audio output cable, and configures your system for one camera prior to shipping the DVR to your site.

Note iconNote

If your site plans on using more than one camera, please contact VUE Support Services for assistance in downloading the configuration to match the number of cameras you plan to install.


  1. Turn on the DVR. EZWatch automatically launches and starts displaying cameras. If the application launches in full screen view, press the escape key to return to the EZWatch console.

Camera grid layout buttons

Divide into 1 screen

Divide into 4 screens

Divide into 6 screens

Divide into 9 screens

Divide into 10 screens

Divide into 13 screens

Divide into 16 screens

Divide into N screens

Divide into 13 screens

Divide into 17 screens

Rotate all screens

Switch to Full screen

Minimize EZWatch

Close EZWatch


  1. Click the desired camera grid button to display the number of cameras you have configured at your site.


What is next?

Adjust monitoring camera focus and zoom



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