Set up an open rule

Follow these steps to set up an open rule. Open rules define specific days and hours that your site is available to deliver exams.

  1. Select the Site Manager menu in the left navigation pane.

    Site Manager menu.

  2. Select the Availability category.

  3. Select the Hours menu.

  4. The Hours page opens and displays the list of open and closed rules configured for your site.

  5. Click the Add rule button in the upper right-hand corner of the page. The Add rule page opens.

  6. In the Name field, type Practice Exams.
  7. Select the Open site status option.
  8. Type in a Start date in the following format MM/DD/YY or click on the Calendar picker button and select a Start date when you will take the practice exams at your site.

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Date and Time formats display differently depending on which user interface language Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot. you have selected for the Connect portal, and the selected Google Chrome display language.

  1. When you have selected English as your user interface language, and your Google Chrome display language is set to English (United States), the date format is MM/DD/YYYY. The first day of the week is Sunday. The time format is AM/PMClick to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  2. When you have selected English as your user interface language, and your Google Chrome display language is set to English (United Kingdom), the date format is DD/MM/YYYY. The first day of the week is Monday. The time format is 24 HRClick to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  3. When you have selected Arabic as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY/M/D. The first day of the week is Saturday. The time format is 24 HR. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  4. When you have selected Chinese as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY/MM/DD. The first day of the week is Monday. The time format is 24 HR. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  5. When you have selected Japanese as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY/MM/DD. The first day of the week is Sunday. The time format is 24 HR. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

  6. When you have selected Korean as your user interface language, the date format is YYYY.MM.DD. The first day of the week is Sunday. The time format is AM/PM. Click to view the screenshot.Click to view the screenshot.

You must enter the date and time format that matches the selected language.

  1. Select the Specific date option for the End date and use the Calendar picker to select the end date. The Days of the week list the selected day that matches the date.

  2. Select the Start time and End time from the drop-down lists.

  3. Click Save. A message notifies you the rule has been added.

You have specified that your site is open today only from 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM. Notice that the rule you created is now listed in the Site Availability Rules list.

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See the Site Manager online help for further details on Adding open and closed site availability rules.


What is next?

Set up exam delivery workstations



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