Mobile classroom exam administration

Administrators at mobile testing sites and in classrooms must follow the same Pearson VUE exam delivery procedures that fixed testing sites follow. Requirements are summarized below. Please refer to the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center Policies and Procedures guide for detailed information.



Administrator(s)—At least one Pearson VUE Certified Administrator must be present during testing hours to schedule appointments, admit candidates, sign candidates in and out of the exam delivery room and continuously monitor all exams.

Two Pearson VUE certified administrators are recommended, one to handle registrations and to check candidates in and out of the testing area, and one to continuously monitor candidates as they take their exams. If more than 15 candidates are testing at one time, two Pearson VUE certified administrators are required.


Materials—The mobile site or classroom must have copies of the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center Policies and Procedures guide , the Pearson VUE Exam Sponsor Guide, Pearson VUE log sheets and Pearson VUE Candidate Rules Agreement. Erasable note boards and pens must be available for all candidates. (Make sure you have the latest versions of all Pearson VUE documents, which are available on the Connect portal Resources Support materials application.)


Schedule—Before each testing session, administrators should familiarize themselves with the testing schedule through Site Manager. (Refer to Chapter 6 in the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center Policies and Procedures guide.)


Candidate check-in procedures—Check-in procedures are the same as for normal testing site exams. The steps listed in Admissions Manager must be followed to admit each candidate. Two forms of ID are required, the candidate must sign and return a copy of the Pearson VUE Candidate Rules Agreement, a log sheet entry must be completed for each candidate and so on. Detailed procedures are provided in Chapter 8 of the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center Policies and Procedures guide.

Personal belongings—Personal items such as hats, coats, briefcases and cell phones must be secured and out of the candidate’s reach during the exam as described in the Mobile classroom facilities requirements topic. Do not store bags or purses in unsecured areas. Refer to Chapter 8 in the Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center Policies and Procedures guide for more information.


Seating candidates—If space allows, seat candidates in alternate seats and rows.


Starting exams—A Pearson VUE certified administrator must accompany the candidate into the exam delivery room and login to Delivery Manager. Before starting the exam, the administrator should verify with the candidate that the name of the exam shown on the screen is the one he or she intends to take.


Continuous exam—ALL exams must always be monitored by a Pearson VUE certified administrator. The administrator is required to ensure the integrity of the high stakes testing environment by monitoring the candidates in real time, either in person or by video camera and monitor. The administrator must closely supervise candidates and report any candidate misconduct through a Case.


Candidate sign-out procedures—After a candidate completes an exam, the administrator must have the candidate sign the log sheet. The administrator should indicate on the log sheet that the candidate returned the erasable note board and then give the candidate his or her score report.


What is next?

After the mobile classroom testing event



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