Exam delivery workstation camera location and setup

Centering over a single workstation

Refer to the picture below for the correct camera mounting placement over single workstations. Make sure the camera is mounted directly above the single workstation. The viewing angle must be wide enough to view the entire workspace. The picture on the right relates to the view on the video monitor. For ceilings less than 2.9 meters (9’ 6”), one camera per exam delivery workstation should be installed.

Camera location

View as it should appear on the monitor


Note iconNote

Ideally you should be able to see the candidate's face, or the top of their head. The camera should not be positioned to see the back of the candidate's head.


Centering over two workstations

If your site has two or more exam delivery workstations for professional exam delivery, refer to the photo below for the correct mounting location for the camera(s). Make sure the camera is centered above the workstations. The viewing angle must be wide enough to view both workstations simultaneously. See picture below to relate to the view on the video monitor. For ceilings greater than 2.9 meters (9’ 6”), one camera may cover two exam delivery workstations.

View as it should appear on the monitor


What is next?

Plan camera and microphone locations



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