Using the Exam Search and Exam Group filters

In the What section of the Exams screen, you can quickly find and select an exam by using the Exam Search or Exam Group filters.

The Exam Search filter is the default filter for any client you select. This filter allows you to enter text (letters and numbers) into the search field to locate exams. As you enter text, the list dynamically filters to show only the exams that contain the text. The match can occur anywhere in the name of the exams and is not case sensitive.


Follow these steps to search for an exam using the Exam Search filter:

  1. Select Exam Search from the drop-down list.

  2. In the Exam Search field, type in text that best matches the exam you are trying to locate. The list dynamically filters to display all exams that match the text you entered.

Click Clear to remove any text in the field and to remove the applied filter from the exam list.

The Exam Group filter allows you to filter the list by display groups, which are used to group exams for candidates. This filter is only available if the client has active display groups. It can be an effective tool if you are familiar with an exam sponsor's exams.


Follow these steps to search for an exam using the Exam Group filter:

  1. Select Exam Group from the drop-down list.

The field on the right becomes a drop-down list that contains the different groups in which the exams are setup together.

  1. From the Exam Group drop-down list, select the group that has the exam you want to select. The list dynamically filters to display all exams in the selected exam group.

Click the empty row in the Exam Group drop-down list to remove the applied filter from the exam list.

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