Safeguarding of children procedure

The legal definition of a child is anyone who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. 

Testing procedures

From time to time, you may test children. Pearson VUE’s testing procedures are designed to protect the health, safety, and welfare of all candidates irrespective of age; however, in certain circumstances, it may be necessary to apply additional controls when testing younger candidates. 

In programs where children are tested regularly, any differences to Pearson VUE’s normal testing procedures will be included in the relevant exam sponsor's client reference. In programs where there may be an occasional younger candidate, if required, any differences to normal testing procedures will be communicated via the program manager or program coordinator on an ad-hoc basis.

Reporting issues or concerns

Pearson VUE has responsibilities under local legislation/regulation and its Corporate Safeguarding Policy to safeguard and protect the welfare of any children we may come into contact with and to report any issues or concerns, such as abuse or neglect.

It is critical that any form of abuse or neglect involving a child is formally reported. In the course of your duties, you may observe such issues, or alternatively they may be reported to you. Examples of abuse or neglect that you must report include:

  • Physical – any act likely to cause physical injury or failure to treat an injury or illness.

  • Sexual – any act that entices or forces a child or young person to engage in sexual activities (contact and non-contact).

  • Psychological or emotional – any verbal or non-verbal act used to control, manipulate, or emotionally harm another person.

  • Financial or material – use or misuse of finances, assets, or property to exert control of an individual.

  • Discrimination – the act, or practice, of treating a person unfairly based on their status or characteristics.

  • Neglect – failure to meet the basic needs of someone under the care of others such as food, clothing, or shelter.

  • Self-neglect – a lack of self-care which may include self-harm, reckless or dangerous behavior, addiction, hoarding, or a neglect in hygiene.

  • Modern slavery – when an individual is exploited by others for personal or commercial gain, such as coercion, exploitation, false imprisonment, forced labor, or human trafficking.

  • Domestic – occurs in the home and may encompass any of the above types of abuse.

  • Organizational – occurs in an organization where culture and poor working practices allow any of the above types of abuse to be perpetrated.


If you observe, or are informed about, any of these types of abuse taking place and the child is in immediate danger of harm, please follow the steps in Threatening situations procedure.

If you observe, or are informed about, any of these types of abuse taking place and the candidate is not in immediate danger of harm, then please complete the following actions:

  1. If you are in direct contact with the victim or the person reporting the issue:

  • Listen carefully and respect their rights.

  • Reassure them that you are taking it seriously.

  • Obtain as much information as possible.

  • Do not try to offer a solution or advice.

  • Do not confront a perpetrator.

  • Notify the individual that their concerns will be reported only to people who need to know. You cannot promise confidentiality but can assure that disclosure will be limited.

  1. In all instances, complete the Safeguarding Concern Report by clicking on the link below:

Pearson VUE’s Designated Safeguarding Leads will receive the report, evaluate it, and determine the next steps. This may involve coming back to you for further information as needed.

  1. To maintain confidentiality, do not disclose any information about this concern to others. 

The Designated Safeguarding Leads will ensure that relevant clients, authorities, Pearson Corporate Safeguarding team are notified and any statutory reporting is completed as required.

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