Administrator welcome

The Pearson VUE Certified Administrator holds a key position within the exam delivery process. If you are reading this chapter, then you are probably that person. Pearson VUE would like to give you a warm welcome. We sincerely hope that this chapter helps you start your new role with confidence and gives you a basic understanding of the variety of important tasks for which you are responsible. If any of the information in this chapter is not clear to you, please do not hesitate to call us at one of the telephone numbers listed at the front of this guide.

The testing administrator is arguably the most important person within the Pearson VUE Testing Network. Because the test administrator is often the first person with whom candidates interact, it is important that he or she is thoroughly trained on the applications and procedures necessary to carry out the registration and testing functions.

Your test center group should train and certify more than one testing administrator so that a backup is always available.

As a Pearson VUE Certified Administrator, you are responsible for managing the exam delivery process. This means learning how to use the Pearson VUE Testing System applications including Site Manager, User Management, Admissions Manager, Registration Manager, and Delivery Manager.

You also welcome, check in, and monitor candidates. This requires skillfully combining friendliness with a no-nonsense attitude towards candidates, so that candidates know they are in a professional environment in which the testing process is taken seriously. You ensure that candidates have a pleasant and comfortable testing environment, in which, they have the opportunity to do their best. You safeguard exam security by, for example, ensuring that candidates do not remove questions or answers from the testing room and that notes candidates take during the exam are promptly erased. By performing these tasks, you help both your test center and Pearson VUE maintain a reputation for quality and integrity.

As you can see, you have an extremely important role to play. Although your tasks can seem overwhelming at first, we want to assure you that Pearson VUE is here to assist you at all times. Our goal is to help you perform your role to the best of your ability and to help make it an enjoyable experience for you. This guide provides you with everything you need to know about running a Pearson VUE Authorized Test Center. To make sure that you are comfortable in your role, Pearson VUE arranges a training call with you to go over the most important policies and procedures and to answer any questions you may have before your test center is activated. Welcome and good luck! We know you will do great.

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